SEE. Social-Emotional-Ecological Learning

How do we create thriving communities and cultures in harmony within and with the earth?

I weave social-emotional-ecological (sometimes called "ecoliteracy") education and principles into helping design  cultural experiences and communities of purpose.  This can look like using design and facilitation to support groups to align with their deepest values, create authentic connections, resolve and prevent conflicts, architect systems and structures for a resilient culture, and feel a sense of purpose, belonging, and joy working and living together.  In recent years, these projects have looks like designing communities like those below.


Recent Projects



Agapolis is a land-based intentional community south of San Francisco that intends to embody living with presence and catalyze collaboration for social change and mission driven projects. I work on designing the foundations for the emergence of an empowered, diverse, and inspired community.


The Integration Circle 

The Integration Circle is a group of licensed counselors and psychologists that offers psychoeducation, resources, and community for integrating transformative experiences like those with psychedelics. We hope to expand the cultural dialogue and professional knowledge to reduce harm in experiences with expanded states of conscioussness.


Agape Community LLC

Agape is a 15 person urban living cooperative started in 2011 in the Mission District of San Francisco where I was part of the founding team and helped architect the culture, systems and relationships for a harmonious and values-driven community.

The community has been alive or 6 years and continues to grow and thrive internally and in its service to the outer community.


The Happiness Institute

The Happiness Institute was a community center I co-founded in 2010 where we asked the question “What makes you come alive?” The center held space for coworking, collaboratives, and diverse classes around topics in spirituality, social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and personal development.