Resourcing in the Rhythms of Earth + Spirit

Ground, Nourish + Connect with Inner Wisdom

HEARTH is a weekly class + practice community to help us build internal resources so that we can stay grounded, center, and inspired even throughout the strong energetic expansions, contractions, and the many distractions of our age, and especially, this season.

We never have to do this alone, because we are so deeply interwoven. We do all the ups an downs of life in community, with friends who practice an earth-based Way of wisdom together, where we honor the body, silence, and soul.

I believe we are birthing something new through our collective consciousness. Like the redwoods, we are powerful even on our own but we are resilient because we hold each other up through our interwovenness.

Join us for meditation, Yin Yoga, shamanic skill building, and holiday honoring through the Fall and Winter.


Class Details

What: All classes will start with 45-60 minutes of music, yin yoga practice, and meditation, followed by seasonal lessons and community connection.

When: Wednesday evenings 10/16 to 12/18 (note: Dia de los Muertos class will be Tusday 10/29!)

All classes are 5:30 - 7. Guest speaker classes may go to 7:30pm, and will be noted before class.

Where: Zoom. All classes are recorded

Cost: Classes at $18/class for drop in, or $108/series or for all recordings.

Class Curriculum

10/16 The Support of the Earth: Yin Yoga for Grounding and Meditation

10/23 Care of the Subtle Body with Yoga + Shamanism

10/29 Guest: Deni Slehiman on Dia de los Muertos + Creating Ancestor Altars (Tuesday Class!)

11/6 Cleaning Your Energy Field with Yin Yoga and Qi Gong

11/13 Guest: Dr. Dennis Von Elgg on Replenishing Chi with Herbs, Diet, + Practices

11/20 Setting Boundaries by Self Love (Holiday Preparation Edition)

11/27 Making Offerings + Gratitude to All Our Relations

12/4 Parasympathetic Reset with Yin Yoga

12/11 Boundaries: Allowing Anger's Intelligence

12/18 Solstice: Being Light in the Darkness


Email us at siripiari@protonmail.com with any questions.


No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you are not able to pay for cost of attendance, please email siripiari@protonmail.com for a link to join on scholarship/