Integrative Counseling Therapy

I practice integrative psychological counseling and traditional healing modalities to help clients find well-being on the psychological, somatic, spiritual, and relational levels. Imbalances and pains are seen as teachers, showing us the places where we will learn the most. As stuck or tangled places are healed, clients discover inner guidance and flow and create greater opportunities for their lives. All our wounds can be the doorway to wisdom.

The journey of self-discovery is one of wonder, empowerment, and meaning. As each person learns how to live more aligned with their authenticity, we restore balance and open possibilities for the individual and collective. I see each individual’s journey as a part of our collective transformation towards a spiritually just, socially equitable, and ecologically regenerative world.

Through our work, we will aim to develop increased integration of self, a capacity to align with inner health principles, cultivating depth of relationship, the authentic expression of creativity and service from the inside out, as well as meeting the unique challenges and opportunities of each person’s real life.

My work is primarily based in transpersonal psychotherapy and methods including eco-psychology, psychosynthesis / Internal Family Systems parts work, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Hakomi somatic (body-oriented) psychotherapy. I further draw from many years of studies in Traditional Amazonian Spirituality and Healing, Ashtanga and Prajna Yoga, and Spiritual Inquiry (based on The Diamond Approach).  For more details of my education and path, see below.

In the roles of counselor and client, we are engaged in a process of learning and growing together. Throughout the working relationship, we will engage in direct and personal conversations. You can expect our container to be compassionate, non-judgmental, and honest. We will follow your natural process and pacing of unfolding in a co-creative way.

I specialize in supporting people dealing with:

  • life transitions and rites of passage

  • preparation for integration of expanded state experiences

  • support in self-regulation and greater vitality

  • enhancing a sense of self and personal empowerment

  • feelings of depression and disconnection

  • healing from grief and heartbreak

  • seeking purpose and direction

  • developing intuition

  • opening creativity

Sessions are 60-90 minutes and can be done in person in Sebastopol, CA, over Zoom video chat, or by phone.


How We Work

You are a vibrant living system woven into the larger systems all around you. Therefore, when we work together we address the balance of your whole system -- the body, mind, heart and spirit, as your relationships and relationship to your environment. 

We will first do an assessment and set intentions and outcomes for our work based on what you tell me verbally or nonverbally. I may recommend for you embodiment practices, new habits and rituals, dietary changes and herbal remedies, new growth challenges, and we'll determine a course of sessions.

During our sessions, we learn to listen to the body, breath, and sensations to help identify and untangle deep limiting beliefs based on life experiences and traumas so that you can reclaim your empowerment, agency, and freedom.  We also learn to explore your inner world through your dreams and meditations, opening a journey of self-discovery and ongoing growth.

Our work may not look like standard therapy, sitting in a chair and talking about your past. We may engage in active imagination, shamanic journeying, guided meditations, movement and yoga, relational games, and play. For those interested, we will go outside and work with the natural world as our ally.

Everything is welcome when we work together -- every part of you, every feeling, every fear, sorrow, and celebration. 


Getting Started

Are you wondering if a course of one-on-one counseling sessions would be right for you? Let's set a 20 minute call to get to know each other. Contact me below to set a time.